Friday, March 21, 2014

3/21/14 Period 5 English Honors Courtney Caviness

Scribe 3/21/14

Homework: Character Analysis (Due Monday)

What we did:
  • we read from where we left off yesterday to
  • we then took the quiz
  • then we worked on our character analysis

Scribe Period 5 March 20,2014

We had a sub today, Mr.Rosenberg
We watched part of the taming of the Shrew
We talked about it
We read Act three scene 1 and scene 2 pg 109 we stopped on page 131  Act 3 Scene 2
You can read the book at this site:
Don't forget to do your psych poster and that we have an unusual schedule tomorrow.
Eliana Lander 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Scribe 3/20 by Catherine Holmes

During Class

Today, unfortunately, Mrs. Smith was absent, so we had a sub instead. :)
 To start off the class, we resumed the movie "Taming of the Shrew," and watched only what we have read so far, which is up until Act 3. After we finished that section of the movie, we began reading Act 3, and stopped at page 129.

Homework: Review annotations, character analysis

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Scribe 3-19-2014

So today....
 We read The Taming of the Shrew and took the Act 2 scene 1 quiz and then we watched the movie.
 Work on your character analysis, magazines and stuff. Smiths example below. (sorry its sideways)

Character analysis project: each student gets one character; multiple students per character, create one pager of image of character, influences upon character, analyze character’s relationship with others, psychological profile with quotations for support. Due at end of act 3

Lucid charts-
Some didn't really get shred so if you used your school account then export the file to your google docs and put it in your folder.
If you used a personal account download as a jpeg. to your computer and then upload it and place it in your shared folder.
By the Way.... it was Josie Lee's Birthday today! Happy Birthday Josie!!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Scribe 3/17/14 3rd Hour

The day started off with announcements (more info here) as always, then the class shouted the traditional, "Hello, Smith!"
Today, recalling parts for Act 1 was total chaos until people finally stopped chatting and started remembering their parts. A few people were gone, so substitutes had to be made for several of the characters.
We read from about pg41 to pg65 in the Folger Edition. We continued to annotate our books, add to the LucidCharts (due Wednesday), and take notes on who is imitating whom vs. who is whom. Near the end of today's section, a few new characters appeared: Petruchio, who wants to marry Katherine just for the money, and Grumio, Petruchio's servant (and Hortensio's friend). It is best to take notes on the section that we just read, as it will be confusing to keep the characters correct in our minds because hardly anyone is who they seem to be.
After we finished Act 1, we took a vote on whether we should take the quiz today while it's fresh in our minds or take it tomorrow with the other one. It was concluded that we would take it today, so we did.
HW: Bring in magazines, work on symbolic relations charts, and review previous annotations.


Scribe 3/17/14 Period 5 Sophie Kramer

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Mrs.Smith first welcomed the class with a big "Hello class!" and the class routinely answered "Hello Mrs.Smith!". The class jumped right into the day's work from there. Mrs.Smith began by introducing and explaining all of the homework for tonight. The homework is as follows:
  • Finish the lucid chart by Wednesday
  • Continue to annotate and take notes on The Taming of the Shrew
  • Review notes on Taming of the Shrew
  • Bring in magazines for the art project that we will be doing for the book through Act 2 and Act 3
  • No grammar or CSAP this week
The teacher then went on to explain the details of the lucid chart that everyone was supposed to start on over the weekend. Mrs.Smith educated the class on the purpose of the lucid chart. The relationships in this book are very complicated already within the first scene and it will only get more complex as characters start changing names in order to disguise their true identities. Due to the complexity of the play, it is important to make your lucid chart very detailed, including images/pictures to explain the relationships and the personalities in/between each character. Lucidchart does not always work, depending on the computer, so if Lucidchart is not working for you, Mrs.Smith has  permitted students to draw their chart by hand if they will be EXTREMELY CAREFUL with their penmanship. Mrs.Smith has made it clear that she wants each of these charts to be very clean and neat.
After a  brief relapse over today's homework, Mrs.Smith then transitioned the class to the next subject. She was deciding whether to give the Act 1:1 quiz in class today or to wait and give to quizzes over Act 1:1 and Act 1:2 at the same time. Instead of determining the right choice by herself, Mrs.Smith enabled the class to help her choose. We took a vote. Those in favor of taking the test immediately stood up. As the teacher counted, her face grew troubled while she relayed the news that the votes were tied. Slowly but surely, three more people stood up to vote for the testing to begin immediately and the votes leaned to that side. With an exclamatory "OK", Mrs.Smith declared that the class would be testing on Act 1:1 in class immediately. To be fair, Smith gave the class five minutes to review their notes and annotations before they were required to pick up a test. The class was then given ten-ish minutes to start and finish the test. Towards the beginning of the test, one person asked for an extra credit question. However, later on in the test,  when Mrs.Smith had still not posted the extra credit question, another person asked her for one. The class exploded with shushes and yelling as they begged the speaker not to go on. Of course, by then it was too late and the question had been asked. No extra credit question was given. Most of the class finished within ten minutes and before long the class had erupted into full on chatter. Realizing that the class had finished the test, Smith proceeded to round up the class with the question "Where do we need to be?". This was followed by a halfhearted response of "in our chairs" by a few classmates. The class then took out their copies of Taming of the Shrew in order to begin reading Act 1:2. Before the class jumped into the play, Smith reviewed each participating classmate's role in the play. Many people did not remember who they were playing, so new roles were assigned. The story was interrupted on only a few occasions by confused classmates as more characters were introduced and older characters started changing their names. The following is a summary of what was read in class today:
Petruchio, a friend of Hortensio, is coming with his servant, Grumio, to Padua because his father, Antonio, has just died and he figured that while he was in Padua he would pay a visit to Hortensio. On the way to Padua, Petruchio's servant, Grumio, is told to knock on Hortensio's door yet Grumio thinks that Pertuchio is commanding that he punches him (Petruchio). After a long and unnecessary quarrel, Petruchio slaps Grumio on his ears for not opening the door like a  good servant should.  
Due to his father's death, Petruchio has been left alone with only enough money to travel to Padua and because of this, he wants more money and preferably a wife to come with it. Needless to say, Petruchio is a gold-digger and only desires to get money from marriage. When Petruchio meets up with Hortensio, Hortensio mentions that Katherine, who has a lot of money but is very ill-tempered, is looking to be wed and her father will most likely accept anyone willing to wed her. Petruchio is not at all turned off by the fact that Katherine( who's real name is Katherina) is an sharp-tongued shrew because her faults do not overcast the fact that she has money. He decides that he will try to woo her.  
Meanwhile, Lucentio has traded places with his servant Tranio in order to be able to tutor Bianca. He has decided that he will be teach Bianca about language and literature and has changed his name to Cambio. Lucentio, now Cambio, goes to Gremio, Baptista's neighbor and another suitor of Bianca, to ask Gremio if he would hire him as Bianca's  tutor. Lucentio promises Gremio that if hires him as a tutor, he will talk highly of Gremio and praise him, therefore making Bianca interested in Gremio. Of course, Lucentio will actually be praising himself. Hortensio has also decided to disguise himself so that he can tutor Bianca in music. He has named himself Litio. 

Mrs.Smith drew out a chart of relationships  that is up to date with  Act 1:2. The drawing is below:
The class ended without a chance to finish Act 1:2 but it is not too far away from moving on to Act 2.

Tatum Ramsey (scribe 3/14/14)

DOL 17 collect
DOL 18 quiz
WRP conferences sign up: anyone willing to allow me to grade essay ahead of conference?
Quiz on induction
Reading Act 1.1-2: sticky note annotations
Using Lucid chart, make a character chart that shows who is pretending to be whom and who is in love with whom?  This should be visual.  Analyze the effectiveness of those relationships- think symbolically not using words- minimal words
HW: review sticky note annotations, finish Lucid charting relationships at the 
end of Act 1, review for quiz

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Period 3 Scribe 3/14/14

Today in class, we took two quizzes, ate pie, learned about lucid charts, and started to read scene 1 of Act 1 of The Taming of the Shrew. One quiz that we took was the usual Friday grammar quiz. The next quiz that we took was on both scenes of Induction in The Taming of the Shrew. After and during the quizzes we celebrated pi day by eating pie that was brought in by Jackson and Anisha. Once everyone finished their quizzes and pies, we assigned parts for Act 1 of The Taming of the Shrew and started reading Scene 1. Our homework for this weekend was to review sticky note annotations, review what we read in class, and to complete a lucid chart for Act 1 by Tuesday. A lucid chart shows each character's connections with each other and uses mostly symbols to show connections. The only words that should be used in a lucid chart are the character's names. You can find the lucid chart under the apps in Google Drive. For more details you can always look at the weekly agenda posted by Mrs. Smith.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Period 5 Scribe Courtney Caviness 3/13/14

Scribe 3/13/14

Homework: Study for grammar and induction quiz tomorrow
Framework- A framework is a story within a story. The framework may or may not have a plot itself, and the story may or may not return to the frame situation at the end.A
Assigned Parts for the Induction                                     
Scene 1
Scene 2
1st servingman
2nd servingman
First Huntsman
3rd servingman
Second Huntsman
Third Huntsman
Players (actor) first


Things we did:
Talked about homework
Discussed the play and that it is a Framework
Assigned roles
Then we read the Induction Scene 1 and 2   

Quiz tomorrow on the Induction and Grammar!!!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Scribe 3-11-2014

Hi everyone!
 Today we went through TCAP testing until 11:00. We did session 1&2 of the writing and session 1 of the math. Then we went to 1st,2nd,and 3rd hour classes of a Tuesday schedule. Tomorrow after testing we will go to all of our Wednesday classes and then Thursday after testing we will go to 4th,5th, and 6th of a Tuesday schedule. Here is a link if you want to look further.
We did grammar- here's some pics

We also assigned roles for Taming The Shrew and read the induction.
Homework was for us to define sexism and post it on the google doc you can find on the agenda, or click here.
alsooo... It's Jordan Chandlers Birthday! Happy Birthday Jordi! We're all sending wishes your way! :)

Monday, March 10, 2014

Period 3 Scribe 3-10-14

Hello Smith!

Good Afternoon! Our papers were due. Today we started off class with TCAP review:
Remember TCAP starts tomorrow!

Tomorrow we have the extended response please remember the structure of an great extended response:
Attention Getter
Thesis: restate, answer question, because(why) and three points

Body Paragraph
Topic sentence with why
explain: point, connect to paragraph, connect to thesis
explain: point, connect to paragraph, connect to thesis

restate Thesis
Review points
concluding sentence

Also remember with page long responses use a topic sentence with why, 2-3 examples, conclusion
and for half page responses use topic sentence with why, details, and conclusion.
There is a new schedule for tomorrow also it is show below:
9th and 10th grade TCAP
11:00-11:30 Lunch
11:00-12:25 1st Tuesday
12:30-1:20 2nd Tuesday
1:25- 2:16 3rd Tuesday

Then we had time to check out books and turn in old ones then we made sure our audio files worked the way you do this is go to Google docs and hit the download files find it and like to the presentation.

We then did a game on what we agree with about love which is in the agenda!

Our homework is to get a copy of Taming of the Shrew, audio file and be prepared for TCAP

Period 5 Scribe March 10, 2014

Hi everyone! We did quite a bit today. I had a hard time uploading the pictures that I took, so I typed them out instead below.
9th and 10th Graders
11:00-11:30 Lunch T
11:35-12:25 1st T
12:30-1:20 2nd T
1:25-2:16 3rd T

For the Writing Portion here is an outline:
Thesis: restate, answer strong verb b/c________
Body Paragraph (3)
T.S b/c____________
Explain: pt. paragraph, thesis
Explain: pt. paragraph, thesis
Conclusion Sentence
Conclusion Paragraph
Restate Thesis
Review points
Satisfying Conclusion

Tips from Smith

- try looking at one of the questions and not the entire test
-try your best
- bring a book to testing (you are only allowed to read or sit quietly)
-You are not allowed to write or draw after you are done testing
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!  

These are the sentences:
pro    AV        infinitive   n       sub coord   pro     n           AV      Infinitive      prep    n     
we   wanted   to   play  soccer   however   our   friends   wanted   to   listen   (to   music)
s          v                          DO                              s               v                               

corr c    N    corr c  pro     AV   art    poss n      n/DO
both     anne   and     i       forgot   the   books    title
         lsubject           l

We are learning about what infinitives are. Try to compare them to your world language class.
  • Infinitives: to +verb
  • can act like a noun, adjective, or an adverb
We also learned about correlative conjunctions: not only/ but also, neither/nor, either/ or, both/and  

Romantic Love Quiz
We did an activity where we were asked questions and were asked to disagree or agree. We  gave our opinions about all of these the topics and decided to do a little bit of a debate. We had some great opinions!  
These were the things that were asked:
  • Love means never having to say you're sorry
  • Teenagers cannot experience true love
  • no one is ever too young to fall in love
  • it is better to have loved and lost than never loved at all
  • love at first sight is possible
  • love never changes
  • If you are really in love, physical appearance doesn't matter
  • You have to work at love
Other things that we did/talked about:
  • We checked out new books: Taming of the Shrew
  • make sure that you have your audio linked to your poem for the children.
copy of Taming, bring reading book to TCAP tests, outline essay before writing
Good luck and have a great week!!! Eliana Lander 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Scribe 3/5/14 English 9 Honors Period 3

Scribe - Lucy L.

  • Homework -
    • Finish TCAP packet due tomorrow
    • study for grammar quiz tomorrow
    • Finish poem by tomorrow
    • Finish website and essay by Monday

Scribe English 9H5 (02-05-14)

In Class:

  • Parent Teacher Conferences Letter: Write a letter to your parent/guardian, even if they will not be attending conferences. Save the document to the folder you shared with Mrs. Smith and email a copy to your parents. Finish for homework if necessary, due tomorrow.
  • Connecting art with words: Write a poem based on the artwork by middle school students, finished product due tomorrow.

Homework: CSAP: "Safari", write poems posted to artwork, conference letter, WRP due date has been moved to Monday

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Scribe 140304

Little Brother/1984 Wikified Comparison Essay DUE TOMMOROW (Have it posted to your site/wherever before class!)

  1. Capitalization/charting grammar
  2. Mr. Spare & Mr. Trodder came in and helped us with our essays (Which was very nice of them)
Mental health day tomorrow (Whoop!)

Sunday, March 2, 2014

2/28/14 Scribe Riley Newell

We began by talking about peer editing. We talked about what we wanted to do, if we wanted work time, and the way we would want to do peer editing. Our class decided on dividing between people who wanted to edit and people who wanted work time. Then Ms. Smith showed us a website called writing reviser (linked on power point) which shows statistics and analysis about your essay. The username was ahswarriors. We then proceeded to do our reality check, grammar quiz, and we turned in our CSAP packet and grammar worksheet.

After that we peer edited or had work time for the rest of class.