Mrs. Smith first explained our homework which was to complete SAT 7 exercises and to finish preparing our debate of either ethos pathos or logos. This debate is tomorrow. Mrs. Smith suggested that we get our teammates phone number and get almost ready to present for tomorrow. Mrs. Smith went on to explain the rubric. One of the criteria includes being professionally dressed. "Professionally dressed," Mrs. Smith explained, "does not include jeans, t-shirts, or anything of the like." She also advised us to tell anyone who asked about our attire tomorrow that we are professional students and we take schooling very seriously. We then transitioned into watching the last 2 minutes of KONY2012. The video said that we need to arrest Kony. The narrator then went on to explain that the world that he wants to leave behind when he dies should be safe for everyone. “Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come” was the quote that popped up before the video ended.
Mrs. Smith then explained the debate. The information that she gave us is listed below:
-You will be assigned to one of four groups: ethos, pathos, logos, or audience
- The question that we need to answer is "which rhetorical device was the most effective in persuading the KONY2012 message?"
-Rules for the Debate: think about the speakers; you don’t have to only have one person speaking for one subject; listen so that you can ask questions later;
-Rebuttal: audience will ask questions to get to their final decision on what to vote for; excellent listeners and quick thinkers are best for the job of rebuttlalers
Opening statements: you might want to add visuals “to show what you are arguing”
The order of the debate: -we will start with ethos
-you will get 5-7 minutes to speak
-then pathos will get to go; they get the same amount of time
- finally logos will get to present; they will also get 5-7 minutes
- then each group gets three minute for questions and rebuttal
-audience will get time to get feed back and ask questions
After explaining these things, Mrs.Smith then assigned us one specific group. It was totally random because she passed out a sticky note to each of us that said either "ethos", "pathos", "logos", or "audience" written on it.
After we each got a sticky note, the class erupted into chaos while we tried to figure out find who’s in what group. This didn't last too long though because Mrs.Smith quickly organized the class and assigned each group a place to meet.
Mrs. Smith also said that Max would be in the logos group.
After we got into our groups, we discussed how we could present our argument and some good things to point out that would help to prove our case.
Most groups spent a lot of time reviewing all of the facts that they needed to point outand assigned each person a role in the debate
This was the most effective way to start
Here are some roles:
Prep-people: find evidence in the videos, write down what other people are saying so as to equip ourselves for the rebuttal, get visual evidence from the video and/or other sources
Concluding-people: conclude everything that has been said
Rebuttal-people: explain ( using facts and observations given to them by the prep- people) why their subject is the most effective and “poke holes” in other people's arguments; try too disprove the arguments towards other topics (pathos, ethos, or logos)
When one group had a question about the opening statement later in the class, Mrs. Smith explained that the opening statement should be an attention getter.
Here are some of the other things that opening statements should include:
They should include a visual (i.e.put out graphics of kids that are facially deformed , show brutality of crime, right off the bat)
They should make sure to explain the images
Followed by thesis
Has backround information
Includes examples
Sums it up at the end
Mrs. Smith advised us to think of it like a mini paper.
Thanks for including me, you rock!