November 17th, 2013
On right of whiteboard:
On the left side of the whiteboard:
-class size/connections with students
traditional college is irrelevant
-education in classrooms doesn’t deal with patterns in the world
-tech used more than textbooks
-tech used more than textbooks
-disconnections with tech can be formed into engagement with tech
-comfortability with tech, constraints of traditional education
-tech can be beneficial or detrimental
-tech can be distracting
-students grow with tech use but teachers are not using tech
^block learning^
mass education= quantity of work vs. quality of work
mass education= quantity of work vs. quality of work
students pay for this??
E9H Week 12: Thursday
- scribe
- SAT 10
- discuss- Smith suggested the book The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman as a great thinking book to make you really think about education. connect to essential question (see above notes on whiteboard)
- connect to you, education, world (see above notes on whiteboard)
- Brainstorm for S/R
- Polleverywhere- We took a poll on whether or not history books are accurate. 9 people said yes; 16 people said no. Then we took another one on whether or not censorship is ever justified. 8 said no; 16 said yes.
- Fishbowl sign up: once to present; once to discuss
- Read 451 1-40:
- annotate
- make connections: to you, to text, to world, to essential question
Essential question:
What does it take to challenge the system? How can literature be a motivator for social change?
HW: SAT, S/R due Monday; post to personal blog, Read 451: 1-40, quiz, Fishbowl
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