Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Dan Pink Questions

Please post at least one question you would be interested in asking Dan Pink on Monday, May 5th.  You can address A Whole New Mind or Drive.


  1. 1. Looking back at writing your book and the prediction made that right-brainers will control society. Do you think that prediction is true today?

    2. If people found a different motivation reward that had longer effects and was more effective what would that reward be and how would be society be different?

  2. 1. Do you think society has successfully become more suited to right brained thinking since you wrote this book in 2005?

    2. Which of the 6 characteristics (design, story, etc) do you think is most vital to the advancement of right brained thinking in workplaces and society?

  3. 1. What was the driving force behind you writing this book, and what did you want to come out of it?

    2. In regards to your chapter on empathy, do you think technology, computers specifically, will ever be able to display emotion like humans can?

  4. 1. Do you feel that technology is squandering the characteristics (design, story, etc) necessary to become more right-brained?

    2. Do you think the current education system is encouraging/strengthening the development of these characteristics? If not, how can that be remedied?

  5. 1.You pointed out a lot of things that are wrong with the reward system we now use, but what solutions would you suggest to fix these problems?

    2.How did you motivate yourself to continue to write and finish your book?

  6. 1. Your book seems to revolve around how to be successful in the Conceptual Age... what is your definition of success?
    2. What do you think about the current school system? What needs to be changed? What do you agree with?
    3. How should society start to integrate a more right-brained approach to thinking in order to be prepared for the Conceptual age? Where does it all begin?

  7. 1. Are there more high-touch senses, or are these the only ones? Why?
    2. When would you say, would someone master these senses? When do they reach the limit?

  8. 1. How did you become inspired to research the function of the brain and the effects on society?
    2. Do you use the portfolio sections in your book every day? Have they helped you in your daily life/the business world?

  9. 1. Do you think that the society will be accepting of your ideas and concept of the Conceptual Age? If so, how long do you think that it will take for that acceptance to come?
    2. Why/How did you become interested in the idea of the Conceptual Age?

  10. 1. Do you think that without your book that these changes in society to more right-directed thinking would occur?
    2. Did you used to be one of the more "left-directed" thinkers and have to teach yourself to use high-touch senses?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. 1. What should school systems change in order to balance the learning styles of both left-brainers and right-brainers?
    2. Why did you write the book, A Whole New Mind?

  13. 1. Do you believe that most students are intrinsically motivated in today’s education system?

    2. Which of the six senses or aptitudes are most important for success in today’s society and in the future?

  14. 1. Throughout both Drive and A Whole New Mind you describe how people in the workplace today can incorporate right brain thinking into their work, what would you suggest for high schoolers?
    2. In today's culture anyone can access anything on the internet... do you think this is destroying people's creativity?

    1. 3. Do you believe the way schools today teach their students is killing creativity? What would you suggest we, as students, can do to change the environment of carrots and sticks in our schools?

  15. 1. Do you believe that technology is interfering with human emotions, or do you think it is strengthening some of the points you made in your book such as story and design?
    2.What does your ideal society look like? The schools? The government and its leaders?

  16. 1. Do you think that internal motivation can be taught or instilled in children? Do you think that we do that today? (For example, the love of learning is often not present in students... What are we doing wrong?)
    2. What inspired your book "A Whole New Mind"? What is the "right-brained" aspect of success that you think is the most important? (Of design, story, symphony, play, empathy, and meaning)

  17. 1. What solutions would you propose to solving all the problems you exposed? An example being the education system.
    2. Can success be found by using one of the six aspects (design, story, etc...), if so what is your definition of success? Or is success more often found by combining different aspects?

  18. 1. Would you consider yourself a "right-brainer"?
    2. Who inspired you to begin you career as a writer? Who are your favorite authors?

  19. The front cover of your book says, "Why right-brainers will rule the future." What is your opinion; will r-directed thinkers really rule the future? Has this prophecy been fulfilled since you wrote this in 2005?

    When you wrote this book, did you intend 9th graders to read it? Who was your directed audience?

  20. 1. Is there any place still for left-brainers?
    2. Do you think that all six of your concepts (design, empathy, play, etc) are all equally important, or are some more important than others?

  21. 1. Mr. Pink, How do you demonstrate design, story, symphony, empathy, play, and meaning in you life?
    2. Looking back now how has the information provided in "A Whole New Mind" come true or change since conception of the book?

  22. 1. What drove you to learn more about the right brainer's tie to the future?
    2. Do you think a spectrum shift from a primarily left brained world to a primarily right brained world is healthy, or would it be better to move toward a happy medium?

  23. 1. What do you suggest to the people who are almost 50% left brained and 50% right brained?
    2. Because you think that society is heading for a more right brain centered society, do you think in 100 years there will be another shift that makes us switch back to being more left brained?

  24. Why do you believe that intrinsic motivation is so important? What ideas from the book would you change now that it has been published for several years, if any? Do you still agree with what you wrote in A Whole New Mind?

  25. 1. What do you think the relationship is between the growing necessity for right brained thinking and the advancement of technology?
    2. How do you think the 7 steps to right brained thinking can be applied in modern day education?
    3. Do you believe the statement "the left brain is limited; unlike the right which has no limitations"? Why?

  26. 1. If our society is going to require more right-brainers as time progresses, do you think there will still be a need for left-brainers, or will computers do all of those jobs for us?
    2. As society becomes more reliant on right-brainers, are there any specific jobs or paths that you would recommend following in order to be most successful?

  27. 1. Do you believe that people with greater intellectual thought will beat people with emotional thought in the rat-race?
    2. Looking back at this book, do you still feel the same today as you did then?

  28. 1) You say that all of the left brain jobs will be taken over by computers, to what point do you believe that society will be overtaken by technology?
    2)How do you personally believe the educational system should be approached? More geared towards right brain altogether, or should students go to specialized schools for their individual skills?

  29. 1. How did you come up with the six steps? Was there a process?
    2. Why do you think relationships are so important when it comes to R-Directed Thinking?

  30. What sort of intrinsic motivation motivated you to finish the book? When you were writing the book, what motivated you into thinking people would be interested in hearing what you have to say?
    It's been 9 years since you wrote this book - has your opinion changed on right vs. left brained at all?

  31. What inspired you to create this book and what was you intended target audience?
    Which of the six steps is the most important to you and why?

  32. Since what age did you know you wanted to write?
    What do you think about this century's education system?

  33. I disagree that empathy comes naturally. Why do you feel this is true?

  34. Have your views changed at all since you originally wrote this book? Do you still believe that right brained thinkers will rule the future?

  35. Where personally motivates you most?
    Do you think empathy it sympathy is a greater quality for a person in a position of power?

  36. Do you think modern day society has lived up to your theory of right-brain dominancy?

  37. 1.Do you think that right brained skills are diminished in the education system? How can we fix this quandary, so that schools teach children to explore creative capacities?
    2. You distinguish that the future belongs to the right brainers in society because computers and faraway workers can not reproduce the skills right brainers harbor, instead of the workforce belonging to the right brainers, is it possible that both 'types' of people can be featured in the workforce?
    3. Is it better to develop a person's right brain skills fully, or develop both left brain and right brain skills?
