Wednesday, May 14, 2014


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  1. Kodey,
    I liked your visuals. They really added to your presentation and proved your point well. I liked how you connected super heroes to people in real life. One thing to improve upon is including more emotion into your speech. Overall, your speech was interesting and inspiring!

  2. I really liked your examples and your results of the survey. You made being a superhero seem a lot more reasonable. I really liked your personal example. I can tell that you put a lot of thought into this. You seemed really relaxed in how you spoke. Good job

  3. The use of Ms. P reduced the professionalism of the speech but the content and your use of a simple topic was outstanding.

  4. This is such an unique topic and is really easy to connect to that brings in a powerful topic. It's so cool that you had a ton of people say what their favorite superhero was and then connected it to our real lives.

  5. Kodey-eh. That was awesome, we enjoyed the humor, and who doesn't love superheroes? You did an amazing topic, and inspired us. You did it justice. Good job! "Ms. P"- That was hilarious. The challenge was powerful.

  6. Kodey: Good job finding a way for the audience to laugh and keeping us entertained. Your topic was amazing!

  7. Really good idea, it was really unique and I liked how you brought your interests into your speech. You spoke clearly and with confidence. Good job!!

  8. Kodey, good job. Great presentation, you brought up some great points.

  9. Kodey: Your topic was really cool and I love the way you connected your talk to real life and talked about other peoples favorite superheros.

  10. Great job Kodey! I absolutely love your topic; people always forget about the true superheroes that affect them every day, and you really opened our eyes to that. You spoke at a great pace too! I honestly can't think of any advice to give you. Overall, you did amazing!

  11. Great attention getter!

  12. Kodey! Your speech was wonderful and very inspiring. Towards the end you showed a lot of passion, which really got your point across. Great job!

  13. You were able to present your ideas in a relatable and applicable way, and it worked well to motivate the audience. You looked very prepared and your pictures did a good job accenting your speech.

  14. I think you have a great attention getter. The quote really helped to change your point from comic book heroes to real-life everyday people. I loved your example of batkid because it really shows how people like us can be heroes. You did amazing for going like a week and a half earlier!!

  15. Showed how everyone can be a "super hero" - really great real-world mesage. Great mix of comics/pop-culture and real people (classmates, strangers, etc.) Inspiring - even the most simple actions can make someone "super". You can tell he was really passionate about his topic, and third-party opinions of super heroes was funny and helped get his point across.

  16. Kodey, that was great! I know nervous you were to perform and performed remarkably! Your noble action was volunteering two days before your day, and you were courageous. In a way, you're a superhero.

  17. Kodey: great job with your presentation. You had an awesome topic and presentation, great job looking around, nice coordination with your presentation, voice expressions, and speed. However you might want to work on facial expressions. To do this you might want to practice with facial expressions. Overall, nice job Kodey.

  18. Kodey: Awesome. Your topic was outstanding. I am absolutely blown away. Great job.

  19. I really like how creative your topic was and how you well you got your points across.

  20. Great visuals! Also, I loved the example with your uncle- that really drove your point home for me. One thing to work on would be your posture and voice and facial expressions... Sometimes you seemed a little stiff. Overall: very good job!

  21. Kodey, your stories were really entertaining and your topic was very fun. You did an amazing job and presented yourself so well. Great job!

  22. Kodey, that was impactful. I loved your subject, you did such a great job and really captured it well I think we will all remember everything you said. Your slides worked well and all of the outside stories that you told really connected the real world to what your were saying. You really did wonderfully, stellar job.

  23. Kodey, I loved how you included so many stories talking about your topic, especially the one about your uncle. You obviously cared greatly about what you were presenting and that transferred over to the audience. Overall great job!

  24. The topic itself was a highlight of the speech, but I was especially impressed by your point that a superhero is anyone with the courage to speak up and take action.

    P.S. I accept your challenge to be a hero. I will don a cape and thou shalt hereby call me The New Batman. You have been replaced Michael Keaton.
