Thursday, August 22, 2013

Scribe 9 Honors 8/22/13

Today in class, we went over class expectations, where we the students, raised our hand and told whoever was writing in that section (John wrote the teacher expectations, Courtney wrote the student expectations, and Elena wrote the class expectations), what we expected in that category. Such things included respect, willingness, and communication in the categories. If you want to look at the full list, ask Ms. Smith when provided a chance.
After we agreed that these were the expectations, we signed a contract essentially, confirming that we agreed with the expectations. Ms. Smith said that if we see her not following some of her expectations, we can correct her. Same goes for us though as well.
We then talked about after each writing assignment, that we’d schedule an appointment with Ms. Smith by grabbing her planner out of her backpack, and writing down what hour (keeping in mind that it has to be on her off-hour and your off-hour schedule) and what day we would like to meet and discuss the writing with her. Her off hours for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, are sixth block. For Tuesday and Thursday, it is first, fourth, and sixth. If none of those match, you may also meet with her before and after school. The meetings will take place in the English office.
Ten people were given a piece of paper with one of the characteristics that we had to get pictures of (jealousy, honesty, power of words, betrayal, revenge, prejudice, racism, gender, power, and anger), and everyone had to take their pictures to the matching person with the paper. We then got into groups of three-five, and went through a category and took out replicas, or ones that we didn’t think fully or correctly represented the category. We took the chosen ones, and then glued them to posters with those categories.
We then finished off class by starting to answer the question: To what extent do jealousy and betrayal rule our choices/lives or affect our relationships? We will continue to discuss this topic throughout maybe the whole semester, and Ms. Smith encouraged thinking about this question in EVERY class. The homework for Friday, is to have your student ID, calendar, plan your conference about your letter, and if you still haven’t, get supplies and have your parents fill out the form. For more info, here is a link to the powerpoint.

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